Plugin for Adobe Reader
Combine handwritten signatures using external signature tablets with digital certificates to sign documents offline, directly in Adobe Reader.

Autopilot eSignature Extension
Add eSignature steps to your Autopilot workflows and trigger those workflows from Office 365 applications.

eSignature Connector for Box
Send documents stored in Box for signature, track the signatory process and receive the signed documents back into Box.
Watch a tutorial video here

Plugin for Google Mail & Docs
Send documents for signature and have them returned conveniently to your mailbox when completed.

Plugin for Microsoft Word and Excel
Tag documents with signatures directly in Word and Excel, send them for signature and track their progress without leaving those applications.
Watch a tutorial video here

eSignature Connector for Nintex
Add eSignature activities to your Nintex workflows to send documents for signature, track their progress and handle their secure return.

eSignature Connector for OpenText
Get documents sent from OpenText for signatures, track them and get the signed documents back either individually or in batches.

Salesforce eSignature Connector
Get quotes and other documents generated by Salesforce to your customers for electronic signature. Track them and get them returned securely whilst updating your Salesforce metadata.
Watch a tutorial video here

eSignature Connector for Sharepoint online and server
Manage documents and their signature process from Sharepoint online and Sharepoint server. Signed documents are returned once completed.
Tutorial Videos For Our Connectors
Connector Signature Lifecycle

Stage 1 - Design your Document
You can create re-usable document templates that are tagged with signature blocks assigned to signatory roles. Your templates can either be static or dynamically generated.

Stage 2 - Design your Signature Workflow
Map signatories to roles on document templates by sourcing their contact details from a CRM or your corporate directory. Setup a signature workflow that allows any-order or sequential signing or a combination of both.

Stage 3 - Send for Signature
Send the document on its way, specifying any custom messages for recipients, document security settings and how you want the document to be returned. Updates can be received for each signatory action and/or at the end of the process.

Stage 4 - Track your Document
Follow the document as it securely moves through the workflow tracking user interactions with their email, pages, devices etc. You can send reminders or delegate the signature request if you're being delayed.

Stage 5 - Receive your Document
Your signed document is returned upon completion with either an acceptance or rejection captured in a comprehensive Chain of Custody. The signed document (containing your original document, the digital signatures and the audit trail) are stored as a single atomic PDF document.

Stage 6 - Measure your Success
Begin to understand your customer conversion and approval processes by measuring key performance indicators captured throughout the signature process. These are presented through dashboards that provide insight into how signatories react and engage with your requests.